Protection For Your Gym & Fitness Franchise

Injuries and property damage due to equipment malfunction or employee negligence are some of the risks that gym and fitness studios are exposed to. Without a comprehensive gym and fitness studio insurance portfolio, your business could face serious financial consequences from a lawsuit or third-party claim.

Belfast has a team of agents who are experienced in the health, fitness, & wellness industry. Your gym or fitness studio may have varying insurance needs depending upon what type of services you offer. We can analyze your business operations and recommend a budget-friendly insurance plan that meets your business needs.

Home based insurance policies

Services provide:

  • Coverage Flexibility
  • "A Rated" Insurance Providers
  • Franchisee Compliance — Coverage vs. Requirements
  • Certificates of Insurance Tracking
  • Franchisee Insurance Education
  • Personalized Service from a Belfast Representative

Why Purchase Gym & Fitness Studio Insurance from Belfast?

Belfast works with multiple gym and fitness studios of all sizes. Whether you have multiple gyms or locations or are a small studio, we'll structure a plan that's right for you.

Gym & Fitness Studio Franchise Insurance Coverages Offered

  • General Liability
  • Tanning Coverage
  • Personal Injury Liability
  • Commercial Property
  • Crime & Fidelity
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
  • Worker's Compensation
  • Business Owner Policy (BOP)
  • And More

Why Purchase from Belfast Insurance?

Our agents are experience in risk and exposure analysis and understand the insurance needs of the health and fitness industry, including gyms and fitness studios. Our superior service and claim management provide you and your business with peace of mind.

Belfast Insurance is uniquely designed to work with companies as they grow, so you never have to switch insurance agencies. We work with "A Rated" carriers to provide you with comprehensive, affordable gym and fitness studio franchise insurance.

To build the right insurance plan for your business, call us today at 844.853.4827

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